Twenty Three Hundred

Data structures

Dr Charles Martin

Semester 1, 2022

Week 7: Data Structures

Admin Time

Assignment 1 results

Mid-semester Exam

Psyche up for second half of the course

Why do we need data structures?

to structure our data (um, ok…)

to minimise bookkeeping

to make our lives easier

to play nicely with others


Arrays are for collections of homogeneous data

Wikipedia has more (as usual)

You might need an array if you’ve got

  • a string of ASCII characters (remember Shouty McShoutface?)
  • an audio file (e.g. an array of 16-bit signed values to “send” to an audio output)
  • a collection of red-green-blue (3 x 8-bit unsigned) values which represent a bitmap image

Essential information for an array

An array is just a bunch of things, but here are the key things to figure out:

  • what are the things?
  • where are the things?
  • how big are the things?
  • how many things are there?

Can you fit an array into a register?

probably not

need to store it in memory


Array addressing is about reading and writing specific elements of the array

also called indexing (Latin: indicō “point out, show”)

//             the index
//                 ↓
int x = the_things[0]; // the 1st element
int y = the_things[4]; // the 5th element

In assembly code

it’s just loads and stores (like you’ve been doing all along)

  .word 2, 3, 0, 0, 6, 3, 0, 0

  ldr r0, =the_things
  ldr r1, [r0]     @ the 1st element
  ldr r2, [r0, 16] @ the 5th element



what’s the big deal? why are unaligned loads/stores a problem?

hint: check out the Cortex M4 Technical Reference Manual section on load store timings

you can put anything in an array, not just words

abstract data type


data structure

Working with arrays

they don’t fit in registers, so we have to operate on them one element at a time

we need loops!

Array sum example

given an array of (word-size) integers, find the sum of the elements from from_index to to_index

int sum(int array[], int from_index, int to_index){
  int acc = 0; // the "accumulator" variable
  for(int i = from_index; i <= to_index; i++){
    acc += array[i];
  return acc;

The array in memory

  .word 2, 3, 0, 0, 6, 3, 0, 0

back-of-the-envelope maths: the sum is 14 (0xE)

Array sum setup

For the following examples, assume:

  • the base address of the array is in r0
  • the from (start) index is in r1 (0 in the setup code below)
  • the to (end) index is in r2 (7 in the setup code below)
  ldr r0, =array @ base address
  mov r1, 0      @ from_index
  mov r2, 7      @ to_index

Array sum #1

@ setup
  mov r3, 0 @ "accumulator" register
  mov r4, 4 @ element size

  mul r5, r1, r4   @ calculate offset
  ldr r6, [r0, r5] @ load from offset
  add r3, r6       @ update accumulator
  add r1, 1        @ increment index
  cmp r1, r2       @ keep looping?
  ble array_sum
@ cleanup
  mov r0, r3

2 instructions in setup, 6 in loop

Array sum #2

@ setup
  mov r3, 0 @ acc

  @ load with shifted index register
  ldr r6, [r0, r1, lsl 2]
  add r3, r6     @ update running total
  add r1, 1      @ increment index
  cmp r1, r2     @ keep looping?
  ble array_sum

@ cleanup  
mov r0, r3

1 instruction in setup, 5 in loop, no need to explicitly calculate the offset (but size must be power of 2)

Array sum #3

@ setup
  mov r3, 0     @ acc
  lsl r1, r1, 2 @ change index -> offset
  lsl r2, r2, 2 @ change index -> offset

  ldr r6, [r0, r1]
  add r3, r6    @ update running total
  add r1, 4     @ increment index
  cmp r1, r2
  ble array_sum

@ cleanup  
mov r0, r3

3 instruction in setup, 5 in loop

uses byte offset instead of element index


any more ideas for how we could speed this up?

Array sum #4

@ setup
  mov r3, 0      @ acc
  lsl r1, r1, 2  @ change index -> offset
  add r1, r0, r1 @ address of from element
  lsl r2, r2, 2  @ change index -> offset
  add r2, r0, r2 @ address of to element

  ldr r6, [r1], 4 @ load & post-index r1
  add r3, r6      @ update running total
  cmp r1, r2
  ble array_sum

@ cleanup  
  mov r0, r3

5 instructions in setup, only 4 in loop, note the load with post-index

On optimisation…

loops are often the “hot” part of a program, therefore worth optimising

optimising compilers will do some weird things to get the most optimised code

in general, write simple code first, and optimise later (if necessary)


  • don’t forget about endianness!
  • remember, ldr/str still just loads words, not elements (it’s convenient if your elements are word-sized, but watch out if they’re not)
  • no bounds checking so far!
  • we weren’t careful about the AAPCS in our array sum examples earlier

Memory allocation for arrays

static: memory is set aside at compile-time (e.g. in the .data section)

  • pro: allocation is already done when the program starts
  • con: need to know the size of the array in advance

dynamic: memory is made available (e.g. on the stack) at run-time

  • pro: can pick the best size at runtime, can re-size
  • con: takes time (while program is running)

we’ll return to this later…

Better(?) array data structures

The arrays we’ve looked at so far are pretty bare-bones; containing just the raw data (at runtime, anyway)

there are several improvements

  • null-termination
  • store array size alongside the data
  • can we make a resizeable array?

Where are the array(s)?


Records are for collections of heterogeneous data

Wikipedia says:

A record is a collection of fields, possibly of different data types, typically in fixed number and sequence. The fields of a record may also be called members, … or elements, though these risk confusion with the elements of a collection.

Overloaded names!

records might also be referred to as structs, tuples, objects

(although those terms can also mean different things)

context matters



Simple examples

Suppose we are making character data for a computer game:

  • HP (word)
  • mana (word)
  • name (16-byte, null-terminated ASCII array)

Or a basic synthesizer

  • frequency (word)
  • phase (word)
  • amplitude (word)
  • type (halfword)

Field ordering

what’s the difference here?

synth record field ordering

the address of the first element is all you need

Records by request

Composite data structures

Things really get interesting and useful when we combine things

  • records inside records (nested records)
  • records of arrays
  • arrays of records

Are these things OO objects? No. They have the variables but not the methods.

Memory Allocation


what does it mean to allocate memory for an array?

smalloc (silly memory allocate)

Let’s make a silly memory allocator

Describing the smalloc function

At a minimum, our memory allocator function must

  • take (as an input parameter) the number of bytes to allocate
  • return a memory address which points to that many bytes of free memory

there are many other things it could do, but this will do for now

Silly Malloc

@ r0 param is number of bytes to allocate returns a memory address with that number of bytes allocated
.type smalloc, %function
  push {r0} @ just save r0 for a sec
  ldr r3, =smalloc_value 
  ldr r0, [r3] @ get latest free memory address, this is the return value
  pop {r1} @ get back parameter
  add r1, r1, r0 @ new "smalloc_value", just move it along by requested number of bytes
  str r1, [r3] @ save new smalloc_value
  bx lr
.size smalloc, . - smalloc

.word 0x20000004 @ 4 because it starts AFTER this word!

Real malloc

real operating systems provide a malloc function for dynamically allocating memory which sortof works like this, but is much better:

  • allows you to “release” memory after you’re done with it
  • keeps track of the memory allocations using metadata
  • (tries to) gracefully fail when it can’t give you enough memory

although it’s implementation dependent

Data structures and argument passing


how would you pass an array or a record as an argument to a function? how about as a return value?

it's alive

Records as function parameters

imagine an is_alive function which

  • takes one parameter: a hearthpebble character data structure
  • returns a (word-sized) 0 if the character is dead, and 1 if the character is alive
@ initialise hp and mana
  .word 100, 200 @ more mana because wizard

It’s alive #1: pass character in registers

  movs r0, r0 @ cheeky trick!
  mov r0, 0
  ble end_is_alive
  mov r0, 1
  bx lr
@ call
  ldr r2, =zoltan_the_magnificent
  ldr r0, [r2]    @ hp
  ldr r1, [r2, 4] @ mana
  bl is_alive

It’s alive #2: pass character on stack

  pops {r0,r1} @ read args off stack
  mov r0, 0
  ble end_is_alive
  mov r0, 1
  bx lr
@ call (including copy record onto the stack)
@ for larger records this might require a loop
  ldr r2, =zoltan_the_magnificent
  ldr r0, [r2]
  ldr r1, [r2, 4]
  push {r0,r1}
  bl is_alive

It’s alive #3: pass character by reference

@ load hp using the address argument
@ no need to load mana
  ldr r1, [r0]
  movs r1, r1
  mov r0, 0
  ble end_is_alive
  mov r0, 1
  bx lr

@ call (pass only address of "zoltan" record)
  ldr r0, =zardok
  bl is_alive
  cmp r0, 1
  beq whee
  b no


the records in these examples are all still small enough that they could be passed in registers, but large ones can’t be

be aware of stack discipline

pass by reference: no copying, but the caller can mess with the “source” data

Further reading

Inside memory management: The choices, tradeoffs, and implementations of dynamic allocation

A look at how malloc works on mac

Plantz: Chapter 15 - Data Structures
