Twenty Three Hundred

Control Flow

Dr Charles Martin

Semester 1, 2022

Week 4: Control Flow


  • conditionals
  • loops
  • some more conditionals?

Conditional Execution

How do we organise our programs?

What are elements of Structured Programming?

How does that stuff translate into assembly code?

control flow is about conditional execution

condition expressions

  1. x < 13
  2. x == 4
  3. x != -3 && y > x
  4. length(list) < 128

These all evaluate to a boolean True or False (depending on the value of the variables)


How might you express:

> (greater than)

== (equals)

!= (not equals)

<= (less than or equal to)

xPSR table

<c> meaning flags
eq equal Z=1
ne not equal Z=0
cs carry set C=1
cc carry clear C=0
mi minus/negative N=1
pl plus/positive N=0
vs overflow set V=1
vc overflow clear V=0
hi unsigned higher C=1 ∧ Z=0
ls unsigned lower or same C=0 ∨ Z=1
ge signed greater or equal N=V
lt signed less N≠V
gt signed greater Z=0 ∧ N=V
le signed less or equal Z=1 ∨ N≠V

Example: if (x == -24)

@ assume x is in r0
adds r1, r0, 24
beq then

In words:

  • if x + 24 is zero (i.e. if it sets the Z flag)
  • then branch to the then label

Example: if (x > 10)

@ assume x is in r0
subs r1, r0, 10
bgt then

In words:

  • if x - 10 is (signed) greater than 0
  • then branch to then


assume x is in r0

cmp r0, 10
bgt then
mov r1, 10
cmp r1, r0
bmi then
mov r1, 11
cmp r0, r1 @ note the opposite order of r0, r1
bge then

are there others?

which is the best?

Conditional expressions in assembly

You need to get to know the different condition codes:

  • what flags they pay attention to
  • what they mean
  • how to translate “variable” expressions into the right assembly instruction(s)

It’s hard at first, but you get the hang of it. Practice, practice, practice!

if-else statement components

Same structure, different syntax.

All of these have:

  1. an expression (if)
  2. a boolean condition (if)
  3. code for True (then)
  4. code for False (else)

How do these look in assembly?

In assembly

  1. check the condition (i.e., set some flags)
  2. a conditional branch to the “if” instruction(s)
  3. the “else” instruction(s), which get executed if the conditional branch isn’t taken

if-else with labels, but no code (yet)

  @ set flags here
  b<c> then

  @ instruction(s) here
  @ instruction(s) here

  @ continue on...


What are the problems with this? (there are a few!)

  @ set flags here
  b<c> then

  @ instruction(s) here
  @ instruction(s) here

  @ continue on...

A better if statement

  @ set flags here
  b<c> then
  b else @ this wasn't here before

  @ instruction(s) here
  b rest_of_program
  @ instruction(s) here

  @ continue on...

The best if statement

  @ set flags here
  b<c> then

@ else label isn't necessary
  @ instruction(s) here
  b rest_of_program

  @ instruction(s) here
  @ continue on...

Example: absolute value function

  @ x is in r0
  cmp r0, 0
  blt then

  @ don't need to do anything!
  b rest_of_program

  mov r1, -1
  mul r0, r0, r1
  @ "result" is in r0
  @ continue on...

Label name gotchas

Labels must be unique, so you can’t have more than one then label in your file

So if you want more than one if statement in your program, you need

  • if_1
  • then_1
  • else_1
  • etc…


while loop components

  1. an expression (if)
  2. a boolean condition (if)
  3. code inside the loop

Remember that the while loop checks the condition and then runs (not run then check).

In assembly

  1. check the condition (i.e. set some flags)
  2. a conditional branch to test whether or not to “break out” of the loop
  3. if branch not taken, execute “loop body” code
  4. branch back to step 1

while loop with labels, but no code (yet)

  @ set flags here
  b<c> while_loop
  b rest_of_program

  @ loop body
  b begin_while

  @ continue on...

Example: while (x != 5)

while(x != 5){
  x = x / 2;
  cmp r0, 5
  bne while_loop
  b rest_of_program

  asr r0, r0, 1
  b begin_while

  @ continue on...

A better while statement?

  cmp r0, 5

  @ "invert" the conditional check
  beq rest_of_program

  asr r0, r0, 1
  b begin_while

  @ continue on...

Things to note

  • we needed to “reverse” the condition: the while loop had a not equal (!=) test, but the assembly used a branch if equal (beq) instruction
  • we (again) use a cmp instruction to set flags without changing the values in registers
  • loop body may contain several assembly instructions
  • if x is not a multiple of 5, what will happen?

for loop components

  1. an index
  2. a start value
  3. an end value
  4. code inside the loop

How do these look in assembly?

In assembly

  1. check some condition on the “index” variable (i.e. set some flags)
  2. a conditional branch to test whether or not to “break out” of the loop
  3. if branch not taken, execute “loop body” code (which can use the index variable)
  4. increment (or decrement, or whatever) the index variable
  5. branch back to step 1

for loop with labels, but no code (yet)

  @ init "index" register (e.g. i)
  @ set flags here
  b<c> rest_of_program

  @ loop body

  @ update "index" register (e.g. i++)
  b loop

  @ continue on...

Example: oddsum

// sum all the odd numbers < 10
int oddsum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
  if(i % 2 == 1){
    oddsum = oddsum + i;

Oddsum in asm (worked example)

  mov r0, 0 @ oddsum
  mov r1, 0 @ i (index)

  cmp r1, #10 @ expression
  bge exit_for @ boolean test: if i >= 10, exit loop

  @ loop body, need to test if i is odd
  tst r1, #1 @ tests if bit 0 is set i.e., i is odd
  beq not_odd @ test if NOT odd, then exit if
  @ then: is odd
  add r0, r0, r1

not_odd: @ else: not odd
  add r1, #1 @ increment index: i = i + 1
  b for @ go back to top of for loop


There are other “looping” structures

  • do while instead of just while
  • iterate over collections (e.g. C++ STL)
  • loops with “early exit” (e.g. break, continue)
  • Wikipedia has a list

But in assembly language they all share the basic features we’ve looked at here

You need to be confident at writing control structures in assembly! This is core knowledge.

Demo: Looping through an array

Goal: write a program to SHOUT any string

  1. ASCII-encode the string (see table)
  2. store it in memory
  3. loop over the characters:
    • if it’s lowercase, overwrite that memory address with the uppercase version
    • if it’s uppercase, leave it alone
  4. stop when it reaches the end of the string

IT blocks

Have you noticed that there are <c> bits on lots of instructions on the cheat sheet?

What happens if you try addeq r1, r1, #1?

Error: thumb conditional instruction 
should be in IT block -- `addeq r1,r1,#1'

Remember that the Thumb-2 ISA is a compromise between 16bit Thumb and 32bit ARM ISAs. Some things (e.g., conditions on every instruction) just don’t fit in 16 bits!

IT blocks

IT blocks cleverly use 8 bits in the xPSR to store a plan for an if-then-else statement that can have up to four instructions.

You have to say what the condition is (here EQ), and which instructions are going to be “thens” or “elses”.

The first instruction following the IT instruction is always a “then”.

  cmp r0, 42
  addeq r1, r1, #1

IT blocks

You can add up to three Ts (thens) or Es (elses) after the IT, e.g., here’s an if-then-else.

  cmp r0, 42
  addeq r1, r1, #1
  subne r1, r1, #1

Saves some space if you’re only doing a few instructions!

Have a look at A7.3 in the ARMv7-M Architecture Ref Manual or here for more information


Memory, Value Directives, and Sections

“But where in memory does it go?”

Recap: Cortex M4 memory map

Cortex M4 Memory

As we saw last week the lowest (in terms of memory addresses) part of the address space is for instructions/code

The SRAM is the next lowest—how do we put stuff in there?

“Value” directives in assembler code

As well as instructions (e.g. mov, mul), there are certain assembler directives where the assembler doesn’t do any “encoding”—it just plonks the value in to the instruction stream as-is

  • .byte inserts a byte
  • .hword inserts a halfword (2 bytes/16-bits)
  • .word inserts a word (4 bytes/32-bits)
  • .ascii inserts an ASCII encoded sequence of bytes
  • .asciz inserts an ASCII encoded sequence of bytes followed by a 0

Multiple value syntax

Each of these directives allows you to insert multiple values, one-after-the-other:

.byte 1, 5, 0xf2, 0b110100 @ 4 bytes total
.hword 0, 0, 0x1234        @ 3x2=6 bytes
.word 0xdeadbeef, 0x5      @ 2x4=8 bytes

Load and store with offset

Recall that ldr/str require a memory address to load/store to

ldr r0, [r1] @ r1 holds the memory address

There are also “offset” versions of these instructions:

@ address in r1, load value at address+4
ldr r0, [r1, 4]

@ address in r1, store value to address-4
str r0, [r1, -4]

it’s all on the cheat sheet


When might these “load/store with offset” versions of the ldr/str instructions be useful? Think of as many scenarios as you can!

Putting values in the instruction stream

What will this program do? Hint: which address does the pc register “point to”?

  ldr r0, [pc, 4]
  b main

  .align 2
  .word 0xdeadbeef

The ldr= pseudo-instruction

Storing little bits of data in the instruction stream is such a useful trick that the assembler provides a special syntax for it (note the = sign before the value):

ldr r2, =0xdeadbeef

It’s called a pseudo-instruction because the assembler might actually produce a different instruction (e.g. a mov instead of an ldr)

What instruction is actually used?


There are a bunch of numeric literal values which are often used in systems programming, e.g. 0xDEADBEEF, 0x8BADF00D (used on iOS)

Wikipedia has a list of them if you’re interested

But there’s nothing special about them (from the microbit’s perspective)

Loading a label address into a register

This is used all the time to load the value of a label (which is just a memory address) into a register (so you can load or store to that address)

This instruction loads it’s own address into r0 (how meta!)

  ldr r0, =loop

What’s code and what’s data?

We need to be careful about these words (code and data), because there’s no difference between them from the microbit’s point of view

When you look at any assembly code, think:

what will it get encoded to (0s and 1s)

where in memory (i.e. at which addresses) will those 0s and 1s live when the program is running?

The .data section

All of this stuff still only affects what goes in the code section—how do we put stuff in SRAM?

We use the .data assembler directive (and a label for keeping track of the memory address)

  ldr r0, =stuff @ load address of stuff into r0
  ldr r1, [r0]
  @ more code here...

  .data @ from here on, everything goes in the data section
  .word 0xdeadbeef


What will be in r0 after the second line of the program has been executed?

  ldr r0, =stuff @ load address of stuff into r0
  ldr r1, [r0]
  @ more code here...

  .word 0xdeadbeef

What did we just do?

  1. put some data in SRAM (near 0x20000000) using a .data section
  2. read, modified and wrote back a new value

the extra stuff in the startup file (e.g. LoopCopyDataInit) is important here (try deleting it and re-running the program)

This is necessary because the microbit doesn’t let you write to any addresses in the code section

Sections in an assembly code file

You can organise the sections in your source .S file however you like, e.g.,

  @ anything here is code
  @ ...
  @ anything here will go in SRAM
  @ ...
  @ back to code
  @ ...

.text means “code” (it’s also the default section)

the linker file makes sure everything gets put into the right place in the memory space

Further reading

Patterson & Hennessy

Chapter 2: “Instructions: Language of the Computer”
