Twenty Three Hundred

Memory operations

Dr Charles Martin

Semester 1, 2022

Week 3: Memory Operations


Memory is how your CPU interacts with the outside world

but first, a few more instructions

Bitwise instructions

Not all instructions treat the bit patterns in the registers as “numbers”

Some treat them like bit vectors (and, orr, etc.)

There are even some instructions (e.g. cmp, tst) which don’t calculate a “result” but they do set the flags

Look at the bit operations section of your cheat sheet

Example: bitwise clear

mov r1, 0xFF
mov r2, 0b10101010
bic r3, r1, r2


31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Bit-shifts and rotations

Other instructions will shift (or rotate) the bits in the register, and there are lots of different ways to do this!

See the Shift/Rotate section of the cheat sheet

Be careful of the difference between logical shift and arithmetic shift

ARM barrel shifter

Your microbit’s CPU actually has special hardware (called a “barrel shifter”) to perform these shifts as part of another instruction (e.g. an add); that’s what {, <shift>} means on e.g. the cheat sheet

There are dedicated bit shift instructions (e.g. lsl) and other instructions which can take an extra shift argument, e.g.

@ some examples
adds r0, r2, r1, lsl 4

mov r3, 4
mov r3, r3, lsr 2
mov r3, r3, lsr 3 @ off the end!

Is that everything?

We haven’t looked at everything on the cheat sheet

(not even close!)

The cheat sheet doesn’t have everything in the reference manual

(not even close!)

But you can do a lot with just the basics, and you can refer to the cheat sheet whenever you need it


  • how do you keep track of all the registers you’re using in your program?
  • what if you “run out”?

Memory addresses

…but registers can store data

Yes, they can! That’s what we’ve been doing with the instructions so far (e.g. mov, add, etc.) manipulating values in registers.

Registers are super-convenient for the CPU, because they’re inside the CPU itself.

And we can give them all special names—r0, r9, lr, pc, etc.

A pet duckling for our course

Random Access Memory

RAM (Random Access Memory) is for storing lots data


  • character data for a MMORPG
  • rgb pixel data from a high-resolution photo
  • or the machine code instructions which make up a large program

Current price: ~$100 for 16GB

Types of memory

Three technologies to keep in mind:

  • static RAM (SRAM): uses flip flops (faster, but more expensive and physically larger)—it’s used in registers & caches

  • dynamic RAM (DRAM): is slow(er), more power-efficient, cheaper and physically denser—it’s used where you need more capacity (bytes)

  • Flash: flash, or “non-volatile” memory is used for storage with power turned off (e.g., SSD), it’s slower again and more complicated to read/write.

Most computers have all of these types, but the “RAM” in your computer usually refers to DRAM

On your microbit:

  • 16 general purpose registers (64 bytes)
  • 128 kilobytes of RAM
  • 512 kilobytes of flash

(a bit small compared to your laptop/desktop!)

Further reading on memory

Shift and Rotate Instructions

Ben Eater - 8bit memory intro

Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture, Ch. 6 “Memory”

now we have an addressing problem...

Memory addresses

The solution: refer to each different section of memory with a (numerical) address

Each of these addressable units is called a cell

Think of it like a giant array in your favourite programming language:

byte[] memory = { 80, 65, 54, /* etc. */ };

Analogy: street addresses

Byte addressing (addresses in blue)

The byte: the smallest addressable unit

One interesting question: what should the smallest addressable unit be? In other words, how many bits are in each bucket? 1, 8, 16, 32, 167?

The ARMv7-M ISA uses 8-bit byte addressing (so do most of the systems you’ll come across these days)

8 bits == 1 byte

Usually, we use a lowercase b to mean bits, and an uppercase B to mean bytes, e.g. 1Mbps == 1 million bits per second, 3.9 GB means 3.9 billion bytes

Why 8 bits to a byte?

Again, there’s no fundamental reason it had to be that way

But there’s a trade-off between the number of bits you can store and the address granularity (why?)

8 bits provides 256 ($2^8$) different values, which is enough to store an ASCII character

A memory address is just a number

A note about “drawing” memory

It’s a one-dimensional array (i.e. there’s just a single numerical address for each memory cell)

When “drawing a picture” of memory (like in the earlier slides) sometimes we draw left-to-right (with line wrapping!), sometimes top-to-bottom, sometimes bottom-to-top

It doesn’t matter! The address is all that matters


Can you get data in and out of memory with the instructions we’ve covered already in the course?


Load/store instructions

Load instructions

We need a new instruction (well, a bunch of them actually)

ldr is the the load register instruction

It’s on the cheat sheet under Load & Store

Loading from memory into a register

Any load instruction loads (reads) some bits from memory and puts them in a register of your choosing

The data in memory is unaffected (it doesn’t take the bits “out” of memory, they’re still there after the instruction)

@ load some data into r0
ldr r0, [r1]

What’s with the [r1]?

Here’s some new syntax for your .S files: using a register name inside square brackets (e.g. [r1])

This means interpret the value in r1 as a memory address, and read the 32-bit word at that memory address into r0

remember, memory addresses are just a number

Addresses in immediate values?

Can we specify the memory address in an immediate value?

Yes, but the number of addresses would be limited to what could fit in the instruction encoding (remember, that’s what immediates are!)

But more often you’ll read the address from a register (so you get the full $2^{32}$ possible addresses, but you have to get the address into a register before the ldr instruction)

ldr example

mov r1, 0x20000000 @ put the address in r1
ldr r0, [r1]       @ load the data into r0

What value will be in r0?

Let's find out

The converter slide


Are these valid memory addresses?





Answers: yes, yes, yes, no (too big!)

ARM immediate value encoding

ARM instructions have at most 12 bits of room for immediate values (depending on encoding), but it can’t represent all the values 0 to 4096 ($2^{12}$)

Instead, it uses an 8-bit immediate with a 4-bit rotation—Alistair McDiarmid has a really nice blog post which explains how it works

Storing to memory

Ok, so we probably want to put some data in memory first

The ARMv7-M has a paired store register instruction for ldr, which takes a value in a register and stores (writes) it to a memory location

str r0, [r1]

Again, the [r1] syntax means “use the value in r1 as the memory address”—this time the address to store the data to

str example

mov r0, 42
mov r1, 0x20000000
str r0, [r1]

What will the memory at 0x20000000 look like after this?


Memory is byte addressable, but a register can fit 4 bytes

So we can load up to 4 bytes into a register—which order do we “combine” them in?

Why do I need to care?

Because the memory at those addresses might have been:

the result of a str operation from your microbit

read from a file created on some other machine

received over the network

Little-endian is now more common, but it’s important to know that other options exist

Further reading on endianness

Computerphile: Endianness

Load/store halfwords & bytes

Sometimes, you just want to read a byte or a halfword (2 bytes), even though you’ve got a 4 byte register

The instruction set provides additional load/store instructions for this:

ldrb @ load byte from register
ldrh @ load halfword from register
strb @ store byte to register
strh @ store halfword to register

They work just the same, but they read fewer bytes from memory (and pad the value in the register with zeroes)


Are these byte/halfword versions of the instructions necessary? Or could you live without them?

Is it an address or a number?

the address & the value at that address are different (but they’re both just numbers)


Memory address space

Address space?

Address space

The address space is the set of all valid addresses

So on a machine with 32-bit addresses (like your microbit) that’s $2^{32} = 4 294 967 296$ different addresses

So you can address about 4GB of memory (is that a lot?)

A memory address is just a number

Not all memory is the same

You can see from the diagram on the previous slide: the address space is divided into “chunks”

Some parts look like “memory” as we’ve been talking about so far (e.g., SRAM, External RAM) but some parts don’t (e.g. Peripherals)

The load/store architecture

What if everything the CPU did in interacting with the outside world was treated like a load or a store to a memory address?

  • loading & storing data to RAM
  • configuring the various peripherals on the board
  • blinking the LEDs
  • beeping the speaker

This is the idea behind the load/store architecture, and it’s the model your microbit CPU uses

Recap: reading memory diagrams

You’ll see “Memory diagrams” (picture representations of data in memory, or at least in the Cortex address space)

Look for the addresses—which direction are they ascending/descending?

Remember that the spatial layout can be misleading!

Not all memory is “data”

Some of it is:

  • readable
  • writable
  • executable
  • connected to external peripherals (which could still be r, w, x or some combination)

This is a consequence of the load/store model: we treat everything like memory, because it makes the CPU simpler

Nordic nRF52833 memory map

The microbit conforms to that Cortex M memory map (since it’s a Cortex M CPU)

But even within those memory ranges the addresses of specific peripherals (e.g. timers, GPIO, LCD, audio codec) are unique to this particular model of microbit

To find out more, you need the nRF52833 Product Specification

Code in memory

You probably noticed the Code section at the bottom (i.e. the lower memory addresses) of the address space/memory map diagram

That’s where the encoded instructions are: this is sometimes called the instruction stream

Each instruction has a memory address

That’s where the fetch-decode-execute cycle fetches from (based on the address in the pc register)

Labels and branching

Labels: addresses for humans

All these 32-bit numbers are fine for the microbit, but not so good for humans

Labels provide a way to (temporarily) give a name to a memory address

You’ve seen labels already—main is one! Any word followed by a colon (:) in your assembly code is a label

Label gotchas

  • only certain characters are allowed in label names
  • a label is not an instruction, it doesn’t get encoded, it’s not in memory
  • by default, labels aren’t “visible” outside the source file
  • the label points to the address of the next instruction (whether it’s on the same line or a newline)
@ these two are the same
label1: mov r0, 5

  mov r0, 5

Branch: select the next instruction to execute

How do we get back to a previous part of our program?

The answer: change the value in the program counter (pc) to “jump back” to an earlier instruction

To do this, use a b (branch) instruction, e.g.

b 0x80001c8

Branch? Why not jump?

but where to branch to?

Labels in the instruction stream

You don’t want to have to figure out the address of the instruction “by hand” and move it into the pc

So we use labels in the assembly code to keep track of the addresses of specific instructions

And there’s a b (branch) instruction to tell your microbit to make the jump to that instruction

Branch & labels example

  mov r0, 0

@ infinite loop - r0 will overflow eventually
  add r0, 1
  b loop

Branches & labels are best friends :)

Conditional branch

b<c> <label>

The <c> suffix tells us that the branch instruction knows about the condition flags, i.e. NZCV

This is huge.

Conditional branch examples

beq <label> @ branch if Z = 1
bne <label> @ branch if Z = 0
bcs <label> @ branch if C = 1
bcc <label> @ branch if C = 0
bmi <label> @ branch if N = 1
bpl <label> @ branch if N = 0
bvs <label> @ branch if V = 1
bvc <label> @ branch if V = 0

See the back of the cheat sheet for the full list


Does your microbit need to know about the labels? Where is that information stored?

Labels: just for humans

When you build your program, the linker program:

  1. figures out what exact memory addresses the labels refer to, and
  2. swaps all the label names for the 32-bit address values the microbit understands
arm-none-eabi-ld -nostdlib -T lib/link.ld --print-memory-usage src/main.o lib/startup.o -o program.elf
Memory region         Used Size  Region Size  %age Used
           FLASH:         800 B       512 KB      0.15%
             RAM:         184 B       124 KB      0.14%
         CODERAM:          0 GB         4 KB      0.00%

Your CPU never knows about the labels

The linker replaces them all with addresses before you create the binary file (e.g. program.elf) which is uploaded to your microbit

Memory segmentation

The other thing that the linker does is to make sure that the various parts of your program get put in the right part of the address space

  • make sure secret data isn’t readable
  • make sure code/instructions isn’t writable
  • make sure “storage” memory isn’t executable

This is a good thing™

It’s all controlled by the linker file.
