Twenty Three Hundred

Architecture and Organisation

Dr Charles Martin

Semester 1, 2022

Admin Time

Assignment 2 due Sunday 22/5/2022 23:59 AEST

Lab 11 starts tomorrow – keep going to labs!

Lab Pack 4 due: Wednesday 1/6/2022 23:59 AEST (day before exam period)

Week 11: Architecture

What is a computer again?


A basic computer…


Don't we need more stuff?

Don’t we need more stuff?

replica1 diagram


The Z1 (1937)

created by Konrad Zuse

first digital computer: relays, programmable via punch tape, 1 Hz clock, 64 words of memory @ 22-bit, 2 registers, floating point unit, weight 1 ton

image from ComputerGeek, CC BY-SA 3.0

Z3 (1941)

first freely programmable (Turing complete) computer, relays, 5.3 Hz clock

image from Venusianer, CC BY-SA 3.0

ENIAC (1945)

ENIAC: first Turing complete vacuum-tube computer, 100 kHz clock, weight 27 tons, size 167 sq m

image from U.S. Army Photo, public domain

… then came the microbit

(not really)


Harvard architecture

Harvard architecture

control unit concurrently addresses program and data memory and fetches next instruction—controls next ALU operations and instruction based on ALU status

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) fetches data from memory, executes arithmetic/logic operations, and writes data to memory

separate memory for program & data

von Neumann architecture

von Neumann architecture

control unit sequentially addresses program and data memory and fetches next instruction—controls next ALU operations and instruction based on ALU status

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) fetches data from memory, executes arithmetic/logic operations, and writes data to memory

program and data memory not distinguished (so programs can change themselves)

A simple CPU

a simple CPU

decoder/sequencer converts instructions into CPU control signals

arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs maths & logic operations

registers provide small, fast storage to the CPU

flags indicate the states of the latest calculations

code/data management for loading/storing, caching



pipelined CPU

some CPU actions are naturally sequential (e.g. fetch-decode-execute).

an instruction pipeline allows these sequences to be overlapped in time

same latency, but higher throughput

Simple Pipeline

A simple three-stage pipeline

Pipeline example

ARM Cortex-M3/4 pipeline

(from p15. ARM Cortex-M Programming Guide to Memory Barrier Instructions)

(conditional) branches might break the pipelines (requiring a “flush”).

Pipeline Hazards

  • Hazards are circumstances that prevent the pipeline from working efficiently.
  • Data: When the outcome of one instruction is required to execute the next.
  • Structural: When part of the CPU hardware required by two instructions simultaneously (e.g., memory to fetch and store simultaneously).
  • Control: When the location of the next branch is unknown until an instruction is executed.

How do you deal with these?

  • Add “bubbles” in the pipeline?
  • branch prediction?
  • out-of-order execution?
  • all these have downsides

Out-of-order execution

CPU with out-of-order execution

re-ordering the sequence inside each pipeline leads to ‘out of order’ CPU designs

pipeline becomes a hardware scheduler, and results need to be “re-sequentialised” (or possibly discarded)

finer-grained sequences can be introduced by breaking CPU instructions into micro code (better if there are more independent instructions)

Out-of-order example

$ f(a, b, c) = (a + b) \times c $

@ in-order
ldr r0, =0x20000000
ldr r1, [r0] @ load a into r1
ldr r2, [r0, 4] @ load b into r2
ldr r3, [r0, 8] @ load c into r3
add r1, r1, r2  @ add a and b
mul r0, r1, r3  @ (a + b) * c
@ out-of-order
ldr r0, =0x20000000
ldr r1, [r0]
ldr r2, [r0, 4]
add r1, r1, r2  @ these two are
ldr r3, [r0, 8] @ switched around
mul r0, r1, r3

Computerphile has a more detailed explanation

it's not quite magic, but...


SIMD/vector processing


Single Instruction Multiple Data ALUs provide the facility to apply the same instruction to multiple “datas” concurrently

often requires special “wide” registers and new instructions (e.g. fitting 4 32-bit values into one 128-bit register, then adding them all using one SIMD instruction)

requires specialised compilers or programming languages with implicit concurrency

examples: NEON, Altivec, MMX, SSE2/3/4, AVX


hyperthreaded CPU

emulates multiple “virtual” CPU cores by replicating:

  • register sets
  • decoder/sequencer
  • flags
  • interrupt logic

while sharing other resources like the ALU, data management

examples: Intel Core i-series, POWER9 (up to 8 threads per core)


what sort of workloads would benefit from SIMD? how about hyperthreading?

Multi-core CPUs

multicore CPU

full replication of multiple CPU cores on the same chip package

often combined with the other techniques discussed

cleanest and most explicit implementation of concurrency on the CPU level

requires synchronised atomic operations, and programming languages with implicit or explicit concurrency

Flynn’s Taxonomy (1966)

Classification system for processor functionalities:

  single data multiple data
single instruction SISD - uniprocessing SIMD (SSE, NEON)
multiple instruction MISD? (??) MIMD (multi-core processors)

Which of these are common today?

Amazing parallel computers of today

Your phone!

ARM big.LITTLE architecture


Heterogeneous computing architecture

“little” cores: efficient and power saving (use these most of the time)

“big” cores: powerful but power-hungry (use these just in bursts)

all cores have access to same memory regions

scheduler figures out where to execute threads

e.g., Apple A11 (2 big cores, 4 little)

Your gaming PC!

NVIDIA GPU architectures


GPUs are highly parallel processors

focussed on bandwidth, not latency

NVIDIA uses CUDA (computer unified device architecture).

One CUDA SM (streaming multiprocessor) has lots of cores (~ALUs)

Image: Copyright NVIDIA.

NVIDIA Volta Architecture (V100) layout

One GPU has lots of SMs! RTX 2080 ti = 68 SMs, Tesla V100 = 84 SMs! (5376 cores!)

Image: Copyright NVIDIA, more resources


Digital Computing in Plastic!

Parallax Propeller

Parallax propeller

Embedded Programming without Interrupts


RISC-V logo

The Free and Open RISC Instruction Set Architecture

a collaborative design effort

small core ISA with lots of optional “extensions” (e.g. floating point, SIMD/vector ops)

this allows it to scale from embedded to HPC (in principle)

Intel x86/amd64?

Visual ARM1 simulation

ARM1 chip (created in 1985) is the ancestor of all smartphone chips, and also the microbit

check out this visual ARM1 simulation (runs in the web browser)

also see Ken Shirrif’s explanation

do you (kindof) get it?

Replica 1 Demo!

Replica 1 Demo

Let’s have a look at an Apple I… replica! (1975)

  • modern replica of Apple I computer
  • Serial Programming
  • No OS (has a “monitor” program and BASIC interpreter in ROM).
  • MOS6502 processor, 6821 peripheral interface adapter (PIA), one bank of RAM, one ROM
  • Modern things: USB serial adapter, Parallax Propeller (drives video and manages keyboard).

Make your own?


Further Reading

Essentials of Computer Organisation and Architecture (Null) - Ch. 1.9

Essentials of Computer Organisation and Architecture (Null) - Ch. 1.10

Essentials of Computer Organisation and Architecture (Null) - Ch. 1.11

Essentials of Computer Organisation and Architecture (Null) - Chapter 9

GPU Topics Multicore and GPU Programming
