Twenty Three Hundred

Digital Synthesis

Dr Charles Martin

Semester 1, 2022

Digital Synthesis for Computer Systems

What do all these synth words mean?


How do we make interesting sounds with the microbits?

Digital Synthesis Approaches

  • Additive synthesis
  • Subtractive synthesis
  • FM (frequency modulation) synthesis
  • Envelopes and ADSR
  • Drums: noise and non-pitched sounds
  • Wavetable synthesis

What’s digital sound?

Digital Sound

digital sound

What’s an Oscillator?

  • A module (physical or code) that outputs a waveform.
  • In synth lingo, sometimes a VCO (voltage controlled oscillator).

Additive Synthesis

Adding two sine waves together

  • Take multiple oscillators and add them together!
  • Some people are trying this in Assignments 1 & 2
  • Need lots of oscillators to make complex sound.

Subtractive Synthesis

Applying a low pass filter to a square wave

FM synthesis

An frequency modulated sound

  • “frequency modulation”
  • Use one oscillator to control the frequency of another.
  • Cool sounds with few oscillators (see Yamaha DX7)

Let's make some sounds!


So far we’ve made “sounds”, but we want to make “notes”.

How can we do that?

Amplitude Envelope

An enveloped sound

  • Amplitude is the “volume” of our note.
  • Envelope is the chunk of time for our note to exist in.
  • We can change the amplitude over the envelope to give a note a sonic “shape”.
  • In synth lingo, an EG (envelope generator) makes envelopes.

ADSR Envelope

The ADSR Envelope

  • The adsr shape is often used for pitched sounds.
  • ADSR: attack, decay, sustain, release

Drums and Percussion

Making a simple snare sound by enveloping noise.

  • Are drums all “non-pitched” sounds?
  • Start with noise, or combine inharmonic frequencies.
  • Percussion envelope? Short attack, no sustain, moderate to long release.

Let's make some notes!

Wavetable Synthesis

A wavetable synth in Pure Data

Further reading

More fun things

Too many oscillators: Look Mum No Computer

How old school game music worked
