Twenty Three Hundred Learn Computer Systems by Hacking Hardware


Lab Tasks

The labs are the most important learning activity in this course. In each lab you will complete a number of tasks that involve creating and testing small programs on your micro:bit. Some of these tasks are required parts of the course (lab tasks) and some are not required but provided to challenge your knowledge and understanding (extra tasks). (link)

Assignment 1: Light Show

Digital media festivals like Canberra’s Enlighten Festival and Vivid Sydney use huge projectors and LED arrays to create a city-sized light (and sound) show for people to enjoy. Your task in this assignment is to create a micro light show on your micro:bit! (link)

Assignment 2: Digital Pet

Digital pets like the Tamagotchi or Nintendogs are computer simulations of a friendly animal companion created as a toy or video game. These toys feature an animated depiction of the animal and inputs through button that allow the pet’s human owner to care for it or interact with it. Usually the owner gets to play with it, but also needs to provide food or entertainment in order for the pet to be happy1. When your course convenor was a kid, digital pets became so popular with kids at primary school that they were banned from bringing them to class. This was bad because if you didn’t interact with these pets, they died! Pretty tough lesson in life for a 10 year old. ↩ (link)

Assignment Pre-Submissions

This assessment task requires you to begin planning your assignment and to prepare a brief design proposal indicating what you plan to build and how you will do it. (link)